Top 5 Reasons Hotels Should Add EV Charging

Hotels are quickly becoming the go-to destination for electric vehicle owners and those considering a switch. Today, 36 percent of Americans are looking to buy an EV. Hoteliers risk losing out on potential business if they don't invest in charging stations. 

This post outlines the five main benefits of adding them to your hotel parking lot – from generating additional income streams to providing guests with valuable amenities.

Attracting customers

 As the trend of electric vehicles grows, hotels are being presented with a unique opportunity to stand out in today's competitive market. Offering charging facilities not only makes establishments more attractive for eco-conscious guests looking to support their sustainable lifestyle - it can also be an effective selling point that could give businesses an edge over competitors.

In the last six years, sustainable travel has become a more popular choice with tourists. By 2021, 81% of travelers were opting for eco-friendly accommodations and 33% were researching hotels' green credentials before booking their room. The surge in conscious traveling indicates an exciting shift towards preserving our planet.

Supporting sustainability

Hotels have the unique opportunity to promote sustainability and make a noticeable impact on their local environment by providing Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. Hooking up an EV charger is not only great for 'going green', but it's also attractive to guests! When drivers choose electric vehicles over gas-powered ones, it can help reduce greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere significantly.

EVs have the potential to revolutionize transportation and make a lasting impact on our environment. Research shows that if we replace traditional cars with electric vehicles, humanity's total CO2 emissions could drop by an incredible 24%. That would be enough of a reduction to achieve crucial carbon targets! Not only this, but it suggests up to 99% less fossil fuel consumption and an impressive 93% decrease in passenger and freight vehicle-related Carbon dioxide output.

Meeting customer needs

For travelers driving an electric vehicle, the availability of charging stations can be crucial to successful navigation. By providing reliable charging stations at their establishments, hotels serve as a valuable resource for road-trippers and overnight guests alike; eliminating the need to wait in long queues along main roads while they recharge batteries. You want your guests to be able to enjoy their stay with maximum peace of mind. 

Hotels that install EV chargers automatically gain a competitive edge over their competition.. Those with charging stations can offer a critical amenity to guests that competitors simply don’t. 

Generating revenue

Hotels have a unique opportunity to tap into the EV market, generating revenue by providing guests an easy and convenient way to charge their electric vehicles. By implementing various pricing structures, operators can monetize energy usage for each charging event - creating yet another profit stream from the ever-growing EV trend.

Research suggests that hotel-based EV charging stations have the potential to be highly profitable. While most electric vehicle owners only pay around $0.75 per hour to charge their cars at home, most are willing to pay $3 per hour at commercial locations, with 12 percent willing to pay $4 per hour.  That means a four-hour session could generate more than $10 in profit

Staying ahead of the competition

Lastly, as the popularity of EVs grows, more hotels are likely to install charging stations. By offering EV charging now, you can stay ahead of the competition. You can also build your reputation as an eco-conscious business. Customers trust you can provide services for them to charge their cars conveniently, whenever they need them.

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